Great game
Ive been playing this game for a couple of weeks and Ive been really enjoying it. I have not experienced any glitches (played on iPhone 6S and iPhone 7).
***putting this up here so that hopefully the developers can see it better: after upgrading from 6S to 7, all of my progress and cards I accumulated are gone... I had an amazing Jace deck and Im kinda bummed that it is all gone. That said, the game is good enough for me to start over. Idk if the Facebook connect prevents this issue but I dont use Facebook, so a diff way to save progress would be nice.***
The game is very addicting. Once you figure out the game, youll find out that there is quite a bit of strategy, even considering the randomness of the draw and the randomness of obtaining the amount of mana youd like. I play MtG with my friends, and if you play too you will know that sometimes you dont draw the right cards. So this is not a limitation of the game but of MtG in general. I honestly think this variation of the game is kinda brilliant.
The free boosters are great, the fact that you can get each basic planeswalker for a low cost is fantastic, and the game is not stingy with giving away crystals. People who complain about the costs must have never played MtG in real life. That stuff with bankrupt you haha.
I gotta agree, though, while the interface is not terrible, it *is* pretty clunky. Feels rough around the edges. This is whats keeping it from me giving the game 5 stars.
Thank you, developers, for a fun and engaging experience.
Radashevskiy about
Magic: Puzzle Quest, v1.6.6.1208